A Shower Panel Can Revolutionize Your Bathing

A shower panel can add instant charm with its modern technology for the area. These update the shower shape, and can give you extreme pleasure in doing so.


This is a complete bath system that gives you three options for water dew. Most of these pieces are space-savers in the shower, with many about 6 to 8 inches wide and 60 inches long.

Most people associate a shower with their heads, and these panels also include one. Many of these will also have a handheld shower, allowing you to set the water where you want it when you want it. What gives the panels their high-tech label are the water jets that act as a body massager. Most of the units will have 6 of these, although you can find some with less jets, or with more. Please note, most of these panels will not be ale to use more than one water function at a time.

Many units also have accessories that make the shower more enjoyable. You can find the panels with a knockdown head, which gently spays the water down on you, or you can find those with many jets to act as traditional massage head of the shower. Some units have anti-fog mirrors so you can shave while in the shower, saving time and skin irritation, and many will even have a digital readout of the water temperature. These extras are not limited to having only one, many also can have multiple conveniences on a panel.

They have designed these panels with the combination of these in their bathroom at home and offer them in finishes similar to what is on the market. You can find it in chrome, aluminum or stainless steel and even come on black surfaces as well. You can fins these with a glossy polish, or you can do it in a satin finish and be matte-looking.

Vantory Shower Panel Installation Guide

Putting the panel in place is relatively easy as most have rear connection that can be connected to existing water pipes. They are mounted on the wall and are fully adjustable to any height you choose. Many also come with brackets to place them in a corner, giving you many more options then a traditional showerhead.

A shower panel can make relaxing and enjoyable bath time for a very convenient price. Having one in your shower gives you the future in Bath technology.

Read more: http://myreviewcenter.com