Best Hand Tools


Have you been buying the best hand tools for your guy so you can give him a gift he loves? Are you also wondering why he always wants the tools? Maybe even wishing I wanted something more like clothes or a watch? Just something that can be a little more fun for you gals to buy?

Well, you can just be looking forward to this for years to come because it is a known fact that individuals love their hand tools. Let me put it another way-the guys only love tools in general. They like to look at them, they like to feel them, and they love to play with them.

To give you a little analogy, men love to play with their tools just as women enjoy that arsenal of make-up in their bathroom. Or just as much as that jewelry closet or full garment cupboard that still has the labels on them. But I'd like to go one step further and help you understand what's really going on in the minds of men.

First of all, the tools in general give us a sense of power. They make us look macho and hard. Yes, they really do and if your boy doesn't admit this, then he's just being a coward. We love the sound of an electric tool, the feeling of a hammer, and the appearance of the case coming in.

Men love hand tools because they let us be busy and use our hands. There is a pure joy that comes from drilling a hole in a wall and filling it with a nail or a screw. That might sound a little crazy, but it's true.

We also like to find projects that are fun and useful around the house. Have you ever noticed that your guy just puttered around the house looking for something to fix? Well, we do it so we can get those tools out and use them well. We also like it when women give us a little appreciation for a job well done.

In what you may think is another strange analogy, the guys who love to play video games love to play with the tools. Think about it this way. We are playing with chain saws and such in some of those games to have the opportunity to use tools in real life is a bit like living our fantasies.

Now, I don't want to give the impression that women don't like tools as well. In fact, I've seen some pretty amazing pink tools that have stunning pizzazz and quality as well as a man's tool. So for those women who know a good tool when they see a-WOW girl! I'm impressed with your interests!

For all that women who think their boy has a tool obsession, I hope I've given you a little insight into what's going on in our minds. We love a good tool and you can be sure that your gift of a tool is the best thing in the world that you could give us.

The best hand tools to buy will depend on the individual personality or taste of your kids. I only buy a tool that lasts us all our lives because we will use it for years.

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